Flip now ensuring the continued supply of Ampleon LDMOS product line


Authorized Supply

With Direct Manufacturer authorizations and relationships, Flip delivers factory-direct quality parts that are not the focus of mainstream franchise distribution. Over 95% of Flip’s inventory is procured factory-direct or factory coordinated through authorized supply chains.


We work closely with our clients and take into consideration every aspect of the logistics and supply chain process while delivering exceptional solutions that best suit your needs. This ensures that we collectively achieve the best possible results. Collaboration is a fundamental part of the way we do business, and this shows in our ongoing relationships with new and established clients.

Making Obsolescence Obsolete

Flip is a “specialty distributor.” Specialty, not based on the category of a part’s function, but on its disposition. Flip uses demand data and deep analytics to determine which parts on your BOM are at risk of going obsolete. Flip then creates a custom solution for each component with a high risk of being EOL. Flip delivers component level EOL avoidance strategies that extend product life cycles and provide assurance of supply for your most critical programs.


Why is Flip Electronics your best partner?

Flip has implemented the most strategic inventory acquisition program in the industry. This strategy has given us the ability to have factory-direct stock of the most sought-after components, delivered at competitive prices through a best practice warehousing system.